Soldier Front Hacking.
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Post  The Three Words SFH Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:10 am

Website Rules:
1. Spamming - We take spamming seriously. Do not post just two or three words, or only emotes in a topic. Make your posts meaningful to our forum. (Level 2)

2. Flaming - Flaming will not be tolerated at all. If you flame anyone there is a good record of it. (Level 1)

3. Player Modding - We understand that some players are trying to prove themselves becuase they want to be admins or moderators. But we are the staff, not you. Do not tell us when or why we need to do lock or delete things. (Level 1)

4. Website Attacks - Attacking our websites with spam, spam bots, or DDoS programs will not be tolerated! Our host has a very strict policy regarding attackers. If you DDoS our website you will be caught and pursued. (Level 4)

5. Advertising - Advertising for other servers or their websites is not permitted. (You may link to other websites in your signature though.) (Level 2)

- SFHACKS Staff.
The Three Words SFH
The Three Words SFH
Founder And Webmaster
Founder And Webmaster

Posts : 255
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2009-09-13
Age : 30
Location : Norway

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